Chai Lords Ethical Sourcing Policy
At Chai Lords, our ambition is to ensure all our Ingredients, packaging and services are sourced responsibly. Our Ethical Souring policy aims to make improvements across the Chai Lords global supply chain, to ensure the health and safety of workers, their local communities, and minimize our environmental footprint. We wish to align with likeminded businesses, creating a shared corporate responsibility to achieve these outcomes, and have developed the following minimum standards required of all Chai Lords suppliers both internationally and locally.
No forced or bonded labour Chai Lords Suppliers shall:
(a) Not use any type of forced labour: any work or service from any person under the menace of any penalty, which work has not been freely chosen by the person. Bonded labour: work which compensation is not received by the worker, but to repay a debt.
(b) Respect the freedom of movement of their workers and not restrict their movement by controlling identity papers, holding money deposits, or taking any other action to prevent workers from terminating their employment; and
No child labour Chai Lords Suppliers shall:
(a) Comply with the minimum legal working age in the country in question and must be able to verify the age of all employees to ensure compliance.
Wages, benefits, and transparent record keeping Chai Lords Suppliers shall:
(a) Comply at a minimum with all laws regulating local wages, overtime compensation.
(b) Record keeping must be accurate and transparent. Workers must be provided with written and understandable information about their employment conditions before they enter employment and about their wages for each pay period.
(c) Deductions from wages for disciplinary measures or any deductions from wages not provided for by law shall not occur.
Working hours Chai Lords Suppliers shall:
(a) Ensure working hours comply with applicable local laws. Workers should not be required to work more than the maximum hours per week as stipulated by local laws.
(b) Overtime shall be agreed, shall not be excessive, shall not be requested on a regular basis and shall be compensated as prescribed by applicable local laws.
No discrimination Chai Lords Suppliers shall:
(a) Ensure all conditions of employment must be based on an individual’s ability to do the job, not based on gender, ethnic origin, religion, age, disability, personal beliefs, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.
(b) Chai Lords Suppliers must ensure that they provide an environment where their employees can work without distress or interference caused by harassment, discrimination, or any other inappropriate workplace behaviour.
No harassment or abuse Chai Lords Suppliers shall:
(a) Ensure workers shall be treated with dignity and respect. Chai Lords suppliers will provide a workplace free from harassment, including physical, sexual, verbal behaviour that creates an offensive, hostile, or intimidating environment.
Working conditions Chai Lords Suppliers shall:
(a) Provide a safe and hygienic working environment that is without risk to health, or injury.
(b) Personal protective equipment and machinery safeguards shall be supplied, and workers trained in their use.
(c) Workers will have access to clean toilet facilities, clean drinking water and, hygienic facilities for food storage and preparation.
No bribery or corruption Chai Lords Suppliers shall:
(a) Ensure Bribes, favours, benefits, or other unlawful payments, in cash or in kind, are strictly prohibited, whether given to obtain business or otherwise. Suppliers shall keep accurate records of all payments made and received in cash or in kind, for audit purposes.
Environmental compliance Chai Lords Suppliers shall:
(a) Comply with relevant local and national environmental protection laws.
Migrant workers Chai Lords Suppliers shall:
(a) Ensure Migrant workers shall have the same entitlements as local workers as required by local law.
(b) The employer must not require the worker to surrender identification documents.
Minimum Standards Hiring and Regular Employment Chai Lords Suppliers shall:
(a) Must provide each worker with a clear, understandable labour contract containing all legally required employment terms, entitlements, and conditions.